Обо мне

четверг, 16 сентября 2010 г.

Глагольные окончания

Их совсем немного в английском языке, а именно:
 - (o)s после третьего лица единственного числа (he, she, it) в Present Simple
- ing для всех времен группы  Continuous (Past, Present, Future)
-ed а) Past Simple  - либо вторая колонка в таблице неправильных глаголов
      б) для всех времен группы  Perfect (Past, Present, Future) - либотретья колонка в таблице неправильных глаголов.
А теперь к практике:
We had repair_ our flat and went to cruise (Past Perfect)
Shhh! He is sleep_ (Present Continuous)
I want_ to see this movie. (Present Simple)
My friend play_ tennis when he was 10 (Past Simple)
Do_ he watch TV? (Present Simple)
We were watch_ the movie when he came (Past Continuous)
She speak_ three languages. (Present Simple)
At 2 o'c they were study_ (Past Continuous)
They think_ it is nice. (Present Simple)
They had cook_ dinner before party (Past Perfect)
Are you speak_ on the phone? (Present Continuous)
He go_ to London next week. (Present Simple)
Did you close_ the door? (Past Simple)
Have you water_ flowers? (Present Perfect)
Do_ they understand this rule? (Present Simple)
I am eat_ , can you cal me later? (Present Continuous)
She has finish_ the letter.(Present Perfect)
You always come_ late. (Present Simple)
He open_ a door (Past Simple)
It take_ me 20 minutes to go to work. (Present Simple)
I was listen_ to you. (Past Continuous)

I am look_ at the window.
Did you think_ about that problem?
My mother wash_ my jeans yesterday.
She do_ the homework every evening.
You were sing_ that evening.
We have play_ the piano.

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