Обо мне

четверг, 3 ноября 2011 г.

Осенние праздники в Америке - Хэлоуин и День Благодарения

Нашла многолетней давности письмо, в котором американец излагает суть праздников

Halloween here in the United States is not a holiday.
It's just a day people dress up in costumes and go to parties or go trick or treating.
It's been like this since for about 150 years, although not as elaborate as it is today.
Everyone still works on that day. Do you know what trick or treating is?
It's really just for smaller children. They dress up in costumes and go to door to door to their neighbors' houses.
When the owner opens the door, the children say "Trick or treat."
Then the owner gives the children some candy and the children go from house to house doing the same thing.
Kids love this because they get to dress up in their favorite costume and get lots of candy.
The costumes vary greatly.
Some are tigers or other type of animal, some are witches, some are scary characters from horror movies, and
others are simply something like police officers or celebrities.
I find it very strange seeing people you know look totally different.

As far as your question about Thanksgiving, it's a holiday here in the United States where we all give thanks
for what we have. It started several hundred years ago when the Pilgrims came to America from Europe and they
would give thanks once a year at the end of the harvest season for all of the crops and food the land gave them.
Nowadays, Thanksgiving is more to simply give thanks for what you have - food on the table, good family, your
health. Traditionally, people here get together with their families and sometimes close friends to celebrate
this day. Most businesses are closed on this day. Turkey is the traditional food that is served on this day
along with casseroles, vegetables, and desserts. Everyone usually eats a lot!

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